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How to Deal with Perimenopause without Annoying Symptoms

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Are you a woman in perimenopause or nearing menopause?

If so, you may be experiencing changes in your body that are making you feel like you're in a dark place. 

Perhaps you've observed your mom or other women in your life go through these changes, and you're wondering if it's inevitable for you.

But what if I told you that there are strategies you can implement right now to not only avoid perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms but also thrive in your prime years?

In this blog post, I'll be sharing my top three strategies that have allowed me to stay out of those annoying perimenopause or even menopause symptoms up to 59.

These strategies have also helped my clients get relief from their pressing challenges and just be, become, get back to themselves.

Whether you're currently experiencing these symptoms or want to be proactive and prevent them from happening, these strategies can help you tap into your body's natural healing power and ignite your engine to let you thrive in your prime years.

Just think about it. If you can really stay focused on what you're building right now, about your career, your family, or even your private life purpose, what does that mean to you?

My strategies might be different from what other experts are sharing, like nutritionists, gynecologists, hormone doctors, or even supplementation marketers, and you may or may not resonate with me.

But I'm inviting you to read what I'm sharing so that you can take away these strategies into your life to avoid or alleviate your perimenopause challenges.

And if you stay until the end of this post, the final strategy is really the key secret, the savior for me, not just to avoid those perimenopause or menopausal challenges, but even to add on more vibrancy, feel younger, and stay fit even when you're swimming through perimenopausal years.

My name is Miyako Hazama. I help busy professional women in perimenopause or menopause relieve their challenges naturally by tapping into the little-known Asian energenic fountain of youth.

Strategy #1 Find Your Role Model

During my teenage years, I observed my mom go through perimenopause and menopause, and it made me anxious about what was to come.

But later, I met a colleague in my mentor's class who was 12 years older than me but looked amazing and hadn't experienced any perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms. She became my role model, and I started picturing myself in her shoes 12 years from then.

Having a role model who inspires you to believe that you don't have to go through the same challenges can be powerful. It shifts your focus from what's going to happen to you to what's possible for you.

So, do you have anyone in your life who inspires you in this way? It could be anyone, from actresses to people you know or your neighbors. Putting that kind of image into your life right now can help you see the light at the end of the tunnel and shift your focus to what's possible for you.

Remember, if you keep believing that you're going to have perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms, consciously or subconsciously, you're going to have them. It's a self-fulfilling prophecy.

So, finding a role model who inspires you to believe in a different outcome can be a game-changer.

Strategy #2 Listen to Your Body

Perimenopause and menopause bring about changes in our bodies that can manifest in different ways for different women. There are even 34 perimenopausal symptoms, and every woman is different.

But instead of seeing these changes as an illness, can you think of them as signs, the beautiful voices of your body, communicating or letting you know that there is something you need to adjust or a little bit more care or fixation to bring you to better health for your longevity?

Listening to your body is crucial, not just during perimenopause and menopause but throughout your life.

When you compare yourself to men, you may feel like they have it easier since they don't have to deal with cycles or periods.

Women have cycles, periods, and hormones that fluctuate, unlike men. But that doesn't have to be a disadvantage.

It can be an advantage or a privilege given to us by the universe, telling us that we need to listen to our bodies, relax, and rest a little to get ready for the long years of our prime years for a higher, not only productive but fulfilling life that we're supposed to enjoy.

Listening to your body and understanding yourself, not just your body but yourself, can make a great difference.

When you take the time to listen to your body, you might hear its voice saying, 

"Help me, help me! My master is not listening to me!"

When you give yourself the chance to listen to your body and take care of it, you can feel your energy coming alive and your body bouncing joyfully because it's getting what it needs to get back to its original health.

Honestly, that’s what I most enjoy while helping my clients.

Managing yourself and knowing what you enjoy or don't enjoy, and listening to and understanding your body, can make all the difference in how you feel and how you approach perimenopause and menopause.

So, if you're experiencing perimenopausal or menopausal challenges, take them as an opportunity to listen to your body and give it the care and attention it needs.

Strategy #3 Ignite Your Engine

Self-care is essential, but it's not enough to overcome perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms.

To truly elevate your energetic flow throughout your body and increase your energy levels, you need to ignite your engine.

This means tapping into your body's natural healing power and letting your blood circulate so that your body can regenerate and heal itself naturally.

Ancient Asian secrets can help you do this, and I learned them from my mentor 30 years ago.

When I was in my 20s, I had severe allergies that made it hard for me to breathe, and my nose was always running with itchy eyes.

But once I learned how to ignite my engine and elevate my energetic flow throughout my body, my allergies disappeared, and I was able to heal myself from the inside without relying on pills.

If you can increase your energy levels and manage your energy intake, your body can regenerate and heal itself naturally.

Tapping into your body's natural healing power and connecting with universal energy can change how you feel about your body and your trust in it.

But you need to learn the philosophies and principles of how to manage your energy or even increase it to tap into that real power and let yourself thrive in your prime years.

Alleviating perimenopausal and menopausal symptoms won't happen overnight, but with the right strategies and guidance, you can learn how to ignite your engine and tap into your body's natural healing power.

Here's a summary of the three strategies:

Strategy #1 Find Your Role Model - Instead of focusing on the negative experiences of menopause, find someone who inspires you not to have those experiences. This could be an actress, someone you know, or even a neighbor.

By putting that kind of image into your life, you can shift your focus to what's possible for you and feel lighter about the future.

Strategy #2  Listen to Your Body - Menopause symptoms are a sign that your body needs a little more care or attention. Think of these symptoms as the beautiful voices of your body communicating with you.

By listening to your body and taking care of it, you can have a more resilient body even after perimenopausal years.

Strategy #3 Ignite Your Engine - To truly elevate your energetic flow throughout your body and increase your energy levels, you need to tap into your body's natural healing power and let your blood circulate so that your body can regenerate and heal itself naturally.

Learn the philosophies and principles of how to manage your energy or even increase it to tap into that real power and let yourself thrive in your prime years.

By following these three strategies, you can tap into your body's natural healing power and let yourself thrive in your prime years.

If you're ready to tap into your true power and let go of perimenopausal or menopausal symptoms, check out my complimentary video series, "5 Proven Pillars to An Amazing Life in Peri/Menopause."

You'll learn Ancient Asian secrets that can help you alleviate or avoid perimenopause symptoms, feel better every day, and feel more energized.

In conclusion, perimenopause and menopause don't have to be a dark period in your life. By finding a role model, listening to your body, and igniting your engine, you can tap into your body's natural healing power and let yourself thrive in your prime years.

Remember, your body has natural healing power, and you deserve to tap into it and live your best life.