Don't Try to Get Energy


Don’t Try to Get Energy From External Sources! 

I bet you know someone who’s obsessed with...

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Is WHAT You Eat All That Matters?

Check this video on HOW to eat. 

I've learned the habits you should develop from my 93-year-old breathing...

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What Can You Celebrate Today?

We celebrated our 27th wedding anniversary last week!

We didn’t go out. Just like our regular weekend menu, we...

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Edible Chrhysanthemum Lights up Your Table

Have you tried edible flowers? Maybe you've had some with your green salads or organic appetizers. In Japan,...

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How about a Cup of โ€œApple and Beans in Hot Wineโ€?

It's autumn! What will you be drinking to feel joy on a bit cool day?

From the wisdom of eastern medicine, I learned...

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Recent Podcasts

Stepping out of your comfort zone with the Power of Breath

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Using The Power Of Breathing To Heal Yourself With Miyako Hazama: Episode 172 Full Frontal Living Podcast

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Tapping into the Power of Breathing with Miyako Hazama: Episode 73 Positioning to Profit Podcast

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Miyako Self-care Secret Tips

The Power of Smell: Keeping You Young?

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Sending Love to Your Lovely Knees

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How to take care of eyes daily

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