My Husband, Yasushi's Birthday!

Yesterday, we celebrated my husband's 57th birthday!
Yasushi has given me the courage to transform my career.

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Be a Light in the Rainy Days!

It is now rainy season in Japan. I am mesmerized by the flowers trying to tell us something in the rain.

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A Smile is for YOU!

Yes, it was a hard day.
But I made it! One step more.

When you feel overwhelmed and need a rescue, 
find a little...

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Happy Mother's Day!


When I am with my mother, I feel the awe for motherhood and sense the moment of eternity connecting...

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Joy with Roses Aroma!

Now is the best time of roses! Even my roses in the back balcony have many buds this year. The aroma of roses makes...

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Cherry Blossoms (Sakura) 2018

Here is the video of Sakura (cherry blossoms), the ordinary scenes you'll find in the Japanese living. The words for...

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26th Wedding Anniversary!

Today we are celebrating 26th Wedding Anniversary!
It seems like just a few years ago, but actually, we are together...

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